According to the announcements issued by several Chinese embassies in foreign countries, from March 1, there is no need to carry out nucleic acid detection when flying from Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hungary, Philippine, Cambodia, New Zealand, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Switzerland. And Rapid Antigen Test can be used instead!

The key points are:

Health declaration to China Customs:

You are required to declare your negative test result to China Customs by filling the Health Declaration Form on the WeChat mini-program of China Customs (scan the QR code below), or at , or via the China Customs APP.

However, we still want to remind you that according to the current regulations, the nucleic acid certificate 48 hours before boarding is still required for departure from lots countries and entry into China. Only when the result is negative can you go to China.

The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People´s Republic of China released newest guideline files on January 06. 4 first-tier cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen) and 2 new first-tier cities (Chongqing, Hangzhou) are included.

As per the authorization made by Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security, the 6 cities can identify "high-end and scarce" foreign talents (for trial implementation) and "urgently needed" foreign talents (for trial implementation) according to their own respective recognition standards, the scope of recognition of foreign high-end talents (Category A) and foreign professional talents (Category B) will be further expanded. The trail is implemented from January 1, 2023, and will last for two years.

The 6 cities are asked to incorporate "high-end and scarce" foreign talents into the local talent service guarantee system, provide relevant facilitation measures, and report the progress of the trail to the Ministry of Science & Technology and the Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security every six months. At the same time, the 2 ministries will evaluate the work in the 6 pilot cities and promote the effective measures on a larger scale.

The newly released "high-end and scarce" foreign talents (for trial implementation) in 6 pilot cities mainly cover:

▍"Those selected for the Domestic Talent Introduction Program"

▍"Those meet internationally recognized standards for professional achievement"

▍"Foreign talents that meet the needs of market-oriented positions"

▍"Innovation entrepreneurship talents"

▍"Outstanding young talents" and so on

Among them, "those meet internationally recognized standards for professional achievement" includes: Nobel Prize winners (on physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, economics); Winners of the US/France/UK Medal of Science or Technological Innovation and other awards; academician of the National Academy of Sciences and Engineering; members and directors of internationally renowned academic institutions (such ISO) and international organizations in science and education; head of directors of national research institutes or national laboratories; senior researchers; leaders of national science and technology program projects; chief scientists or main members; chief and deputy editors and senior members of international high-level scientific and technological journals.

And "urgently needed" foreign talents (for trial implementation) mainly cover those related to new generation of information technology, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, life and health, biomedicine, digital economy, new energy, new materials, education, finance, etc.

For detailed catalogs of foreign talent recognition in each city, please refer to below links (in Chinese language only).













For more information, please contact us:

8621 - 5178 5021

The State Administration of Taxation released the latest value-added tax (VAT) reduction and exemption policies on Jan 10th 2023. We have refined the following points for you:

  1. The VAT rate for small-size taxpayers is reduced from 3% to 1%;
  2. The quarterly income of small-size taxpayers: if the income is not exceed RMB 300K (including RMB 300K) in total for special invoices and general invoices, the VAT for the company whose income of general invoices should be exempt , and the income of special invoices shall be taxed by 1%;
  3. The previous tax exemption policy for quarterly income not exceeding RMB 450K will no longer apply.

After the comparison of the new and old policies, the vested interest of small-size taxpayers is the reduction of tax rate, but for enterprises with a total quarterly income of among RMB 300K to RMB 450K, the tax on general invoices are increased actually. So how to catch up the new policy and use the best advantage and make reasonable contribution, please contact us for the tax suggestion.

8621 - 5178 5021

On the evening of December 26th, Chinese government annouced COVID-19 as "Class B" infection. Expats or people who plan to come to China shall carry out PCR test 48 hours before leaving, those with negative results can come to China without applying for a health code from our embassies and consulates abroad, and fill the results in the customs health declaration card. If it is positive, the relevant personnel shall return to China after turning negative. PCR test and centralized quarantine of all personnel after entry will be cancelled. Those whose health declaration is normal can be released to the public. Restrictions and other control measures for the number of international passenger flights will be cancelled. All airlines shall continue to do a good job of on-board epidemic prevention, and passengers must wear masks when boarding. Further optimize the arrangements for foreigners to come to China, such as returning to work, returning to production, business, studying abroad, visiting relatives and reuniting, and provide corresponding visa facilities. Gradually resume the entry and exit of passenger transport by water and land ports. In accordance with the international epidemic situation and the ability to provide services in all aspects, we will orderly resume outbound tourism for Chinese citizens.

From July 2022, the Entry&Exit Bureau (EEB) start to upgrade their service website, the online registration link of shanghai temporary residence was suspended since then. Alternatively, foreign expat needs to go to the local police station physically to do the registration. It’s inconvenient. Hopefully, the upgrade is done now, and the new link of <Registration form of temporary residence> is following (You can paste following link to your browser or Scan the QR code), please bookmark it: