With its spectacularly successful fight against Covid-19 pandemic, China has proven itself to be a safe place to live in while much of the rest of the world is still panicking. So have you ever thought of permanently living in China?

Yes, get a China green card.

Since the Measures for the Administration on Examination and Approval for Foreigners’ Permanent Residence (hereinafter as “Measures”) came into effect in 2004, the standards for foreigners to apply for PRC Green Card were always pretty high. With the development of China’s “Opening-up” policy and the increasing demands of overseas talents, the government has issued a number of relevant policies for foreigners to facilitate their residency in China step by step, including the Opinions on Strengthening the Administration of Permanent Residence Services for Foreigners (hereinafter as “Opinions“) issued by the State Council in 2016 and the 12 Policies on Immigration and Entry- Exit Facilitation (hereinafter as “12 Policies”) issued by the National Immigration Administration in August 2019.

The Ministry of Justice issued the Regulations on the Administration of Foreigners’ Permanent Residence (Draft) (2020) (hereinafter as “Draft”) on February 27, 2020 for public comments. Since its release, the Draft has drawn much attention from expats living in China and from Chinese citizens. Compared with the previous policies,the Draft developed so much that it could become the new landmark of China’s permanent residence status (hereinafter as “PR Status”). This article will highlight the key points of the Draft as below, for your kind reference.

Who are Eligible under the Draft?

The current Draft provides six categories of people that are eligible for permanent residency, including foreigners with outstanding contributions, foreigners with international recognized achievements, foreign talents introduced into China, foreigners working in China, foreigners making investment in China and foreigners who have family members living in China. The specific requirements of each category are summarized as follows:

1.1 Foreigners with Outstanding Contributions

Foreigners who have contributed outstandingly towards China’s economic and social development (including development in science, technology, education, culture, health, sports, public welfare, Sino-foreign friendly exchanges, etc.) may apply for the PR Status after having been recommended by local governments at the provincial level.

In the similar category in the 2004 Measures, the expression is that foreigners having made outstanding contributions to China may apply for the PR Status, if they satisfy some routine requirements such as being healthy and with no criminal record. The Draft lists more detailed conditions of the outstanding contributions, which can be regarded as a summary and a continuation of previous policies.

1.2 Foreigners with International Recognized Achievements

Foreign citizens who have achieved internationally recognized outstanding achievements in the fields of economy, science and technology, education, culture, health, or sports can directly apply for permanent residency.

Previously, some cities opened up their immigration policies in accordance with the needs of talents introduction. For example, the policy in Shanghai stipulates that foreigners with internationally recognized outstanding achievements brought to Shanghai can directly apply for permanent residence.

Thus, the Draft can be regarded as a promotion and a replication of previous practices, but the detailed criteria for “internationally recognized outstanding achievements” have not yet been determined by national immigration authorities in consultation with the relevant departments of the State Council.

1.3 Foreign Talents Introduced into China

Foreigners who will be introduced into China for making achievements for China’s economic and social development may apply for the PR Status. Such Foreigners include:

The Draft provides that the above-mentioned talents must meet the respective specific qualification requirements. Additionally, applicants must obtain recommendation from either the Chinese authorities or qualified individuals. Further talent identification standards will be made based on consultation with relevant authorities.

1.4 Foreigners Working in China

Under Article 15 of the Draft is the newly added provision that stipulates that a foreign citizen may apply for PR Status if they are working in China with good tax and credit records, and satisfy one of the following situations:

There is a similar category in the Measures. However, the scope of eligibility under that category is quite narrower. Therefore, few applicants met the requirements at that time. The 12 Policies relaxed the previous requirements on the position level for applicants, so that the requirements of introducing foreign talents are more in line with the market evaluation and the market demand.

The Draft, on the basis of the 12 Policies, further relaxed the conditions and requirements for the China PR Status, by extending the policy that was previously applicable to Chinese expatriates to ordinary foreigners, increasing the cases of which people can apply for continuous work and actual residence, and relaxing the requirements for income and tax standards.

1.5 Foreigners Making Investment in China

A foreign citizen can apply for PR Status, if they i) make investments in China according to the Foreign Investment Law; ii) have made steady investments in China for three years; iii) possess a sound tax and credit record; and iv) meet any one of the following circumstances:

Based on the fact that some cities have set specific standards for applying for PR Status of foreign investment, the Draft combines the experience of different provinces, sets standards for the amount of investment all over the country, adds the criteria that can be applies and further establishes the requirements for PR Status applications for foreign investors.

Citizenship by investment has been a hot business in today’s world popular with small island countries, and some European countries offer residence by investment. It is a lucrative business and China like it as well but with much more stringent rules.

1.6 Foreigners Who Have Family Members Living in China

Those who need a family reunion can apply for permanent residency if they fall into one of the following circumstances:

In addition, a foreign citizen’s spouse and children can apply for permanent residency at the same time, where any of the five eligible categories mentioned above are met.

How to Examine and Approve the Applications?

According to the Draft, the Exit-Entry Administration or the National Immigration Department of the public security organ of the place of residence shall carefully examine the applications including the applicants’ nationalities, credit records, work and life in China and all other relevant information. The time limit shall be 120 days and the time spent waiting for a quota shall not be included. A decision shall be made to deny the PR Status application to the foreigner who resorts to deception in the application process or who is unable to guarantee the living expenses necessary in China and other special circumstances.

Since it is stipulated that the time spent waiting for a quota shall not be included, a quota system may be introduced for foreigners who are eligible for permanent residence. The specific quota system remains to be further clarified. Therefore, although it seems that the Draft relaxes the requirements for PR Status, it remains to be seen how many foreigners will actually be granted PR Status after the formal regulation is implemented.

What Benefits will the Foreigner?Who Has Obtained PR Status Enjoy?

Foreign citizens who are granted permanent residency have the same rights and the same obligations as Chinese citizens except the right to vote and the specific rights and obligations subject to PRC laws and regulations.

The relevant treatment and benefits include, but are not limited to, permanent residence in China, no additional visa for entry and exit, no need to apply for a work permit for employment, the education for children living with them, purchasing houses in accordance with the local regulations, participating in social securities and so on.

It shall be noted that under the Draft, foreigners with China permanent residence are still subject to restriction of purchasing properties in China, i.e., they can only buy one property for personal use, no speculation in the already out-of-control property market.

Preparing for Changes to Come

Once the formal regulation takes effect, foreigner who is in any one of the above six categories, can apply for PR Status at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of the public security organ of the place of residence. We will pay close attention to further revisions that are made by Chinese relevant authorities during their consultation process with regard to the detailed provisions on foreigners obtaining PRC “Green Card”.

For more infomation, please contact us: 021 - 5178 5021

Since 15 March 2021, when Hong Kong announced the convenience facilitation for visa applicants who have been inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines produced in China, so far, 95 countries and regions have issued this convenience facilitation.

Here we collected the latest list of countries and regions issuing the facilitation as follows:


Macao, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Turkey, Nepal, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Iraq, Israel, Qatar, Bahrain, East Timor, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Palestine, Oman, Syria, Tajikistan


Britain, Spain, Italy, Finland, Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Serbia, Hungary, northern Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Estonia, Montenegro, Latvian, Lithuania, Slovakia, Belarus, Micronesia, Malta


United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Barbados, Dominica, Cuba


Australia, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea


Rwanda, Kenya, Djibouti, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Guyana, Cote d'Ivoire, Antigua and Barbuda, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Senegal, Algeria, Nigeria, Angola, Tanzania, Uganda, Garner, Morocco, Madagascar, Gabon

Notice: Please visit the official websites of Chinese embassies in above countries for facilitation details

In view of resuming people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries in an orderly manner, starting from 15 March 2021, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the HKSAR will provide the following facilitation for visa applicants who have been inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines produced in China and obtained the vaccination certificate:

  1. Foreign nationals and their family members visiting the mainland of China for resuming work and production in various fields need only to provide the documents required before the COVID-19 pandemic when applying for a visa. The Invitation Letter (PU), Invitation Letter (TE) or Invitation Verification Notice issued by the foreign affairs offices or the departments of commerce of the provincial (including autonomous regions and municipalities) governments or the headquarters of central state-owned enterprises are no longer required.

  2. The scope of applicants eligible for applying for a visa out of emergency humanitarian needs will be expanded as appropriate. Foreign family members of Chinese citizens or permanent residents of China, including spouse, parents, children and other close relatives living together (referring to siblings, grandparents and grandchildren), may submit visa applications for the purposes of reuniting with family, taking care of the elderly, visiting relatives, attending funerals or visiting critically ill relatives.

  3. Holders of valid APEC business travel cards may apply for the M visa by presenting the original valid APEC business travel card and the invitation letter issued by the inviting party in the mainland of China.

Please be noted that the above-mentioned visa facilitation applies only to applicants who have been inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines produced in China (either having received two doses of Chinese-made vaccines with the stipulated gap in between, or having received a single-dose Chinese-made vaccine at least 14 days prior to the application) and obtained the vaccination certificate. A proof of a negative COVID-19 nucleic acid test result and the Health and Travel Record Declaration Form for Visa Application are no longer required.

Other applicants should still follow the visa procedure as stated in the Notice on Updated Requirements for Chinese Visa Application During Covid-19 Pandemic issued on 9 February 2021, and 26 Q&As about Applying for Chinese Visa in Hong Kong SAR During the COVID-19 Pandemic posted on the official website of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the HKSAR.

What is comprehensive income?

The comprehensive income includes four items: income from wages and salaries, income from remuneration for labor services, income from remuneration for contributions, and income from royalties.

Who should handling declaration?

If you are individual resident and meet any of the following conditions, you need to submit your annual income declaration for 2020.

J&K Tips: Individual residents are the taxpayer has a residence in China or has no residence but has lived in China for 183 days in a tax year.

Reporting channels:

  1. Personal e-tax Bureau (personal income tax app, web);
  2. Mail declaration to complete annual declaration of comprehensive income of individual income tax. (there is no written confirmation from tax authority);
  3. Submit onsite at Tax Bureau and receive the official receipts.

Deadline: June 30, 2021