As the COVID-19 virus has continued to spread globally, healthcare workers in Guangzhou have recently reported a number of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections. Currently, we are taking swift and decisive actions to curb the spread of the virus. All of our approaches are science-based, and we need every resident in our city to cooperate with us. Foreign nationals have always been important members of our community, and we have always prioritized their health and safety. We now urge you to take the following actions:

First, support our control and prevention policies. Our healthcare professionals are treating patients, tracing contacts, conducting COVID-19 tests, and disinfecting key areas within the city. If you are approached by government employees, community organizers, or healthcare workers, please, support them by answering their questions. Our control and prevention professionals might also need to clean and disinfect any contaminated surfaces touched by people who test positive. We urge you to postpone or cancel large-scale events and suspend non-essential group activities. Be cautious when you invite guests to your private residence. Family gatherings must be limited to 10 people.

Second, get vaccinated. Widespread vaccinations are a critical tool to achieve herd immunity. We recommend that you and your family get vaccinated to protect yourself and others, unless special circumstances prevent you from doing so. Please, consult a healthcare provider to assess the risks.  

Third, follow the latest updates from official sources. We recommend that you follow these public accounts on WeChat: Updates in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office, and Guangzhou Health Commission. Do not trust nor spread unverified information. If you need interpretation services in English, Japanese, or Korean, please, call the Guangzhou Multilingual Public Service Hot-line at 960169. The hotline interpreters will connect you to Guangzhou’s Public Health Hot-line (12320) to answer your enquiries.

Fourth, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, and washing your hands. These are still the most simple and effective ways to curb the spread of the virus. If you have a fever or cough, please, go to one of the fever clinics and voluntarily offer the necessary information. Pay attention to food safety, and only purchase frozen food from authorized supermarkets. Avoid visiting any medium-risk areas. 

Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Office

May 30, 2021

After more than a year, the world is still battling against COVID-19, prompting many to wonder when people-to-people exchanges will return to normal, when China will open its doors to the world, and to what extent vaccines and mutated variants will impact the resumption of international travels.

Zhang Wenhong, a leading infectious disease expert, believes that China will be able to reopen to countries with good inoculation and low infection rates in the first half of 2022, but that will still depend on how many people in the country have been inoculated.

Countries with a higher inoculation rate such as Israel, the US and the UK will make deals to resume people-to-people exchanges in the second half of this year. But the date for a resumption of global travel remains  unknown, as that would be determined by the overall vaccination rate and speed of mutated variants, said Zhang at the Boao Forum for Asia in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province on Wednesday. 

Asked whether it would be necessary to receive COVID-19 vaccines every year just like influenza vaccines, Zhang said it depends on what percentage of people who have received a vaccine become re-infected, though most assume that it would be necessary, because with the passing of time, the protection generated by any vaccine will fade.

Also, there is no evidence so far to indicate that mutated variants have escaped from vaccines, and the virus has not generated new serotypes, which means "we have to wait for more data to decide if human beings have to get inoculated repeatedly," Zhang noted. 

Gao Fu, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, recently said that it seemed that the virus evolves like an influenza virus.

"We probably need to receive jabs against COVID-19 every year, just like how we coexist with influenza," said Gao, adding that when there is an immunity barrier against COVID-19, the regular jabs will be used to prevent critical cases rather than simply avert infections.

To reach herd immunity against COVID-19, China will have to vaccinate 80 percent of its population, and this target is likely to be reached by the end of this year, following stronger public willingness to receive jabs propelled by recent waves of epidemic resurgence in some places, said Chinese top epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan.

China's speed in administering vaccines has been accelerating recently with more than 700 million doses administered across the country by Wednesday, data from the National Health Commission showed. 

The intervals per 100 million doses have gradually become shorter, from the previous 25 days, 16 days, nine days, seven days and now only five days, statistics indicated.

The urban employees’ average salary of the year 2020 has been released as RMB124056 (RMB10338/month), an increase of 7.9% over the previous year.

From July 1st, the adjustment of contribution base of Social Insurance and House Fund for the year 2021 has started.

Social Insurance

The contribution base of Social Insurance:

The upper limit: RMB31014/month;

The lower limit:    RMB5975/month.

(Considering the impact of novel coronavirus pneumonia on economic and social development, the lower limit of the Social Insurance contribution base will be divided into two years to reduce the burden of employers. The lower limit is determined by the arithmetic average of the average salary in 2019 and 2020)

House Fund

The contribution base of House Fund:

The upper limit: RMB31014/month;

The lower limit:    RMB2480/month.

Average Salary

The "average salary of employees in the previous year" involved in the city's talents introduction policy shall be RMB10338/month.

Minimum Salary

Minimum Salary Standard:

for month: RMB2590

for hour: RMB23

For more information please contact us:021 - 5178 5021

On 1st of July 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently released the Guidelines for the Conclusion of Electronic Labor Contracts. According to the document, lawfully concluded electronic labor contracts are protected by law; employers and employees should fulfill their respective obligations under the electronic labor contract.

According to the Guidelines, if an employer plans to conclude an electronic labor contract with employees, they should do it through a platform.

If both parties agree to conclude an electronic labor contract, the employer should explicitly inform employees of the procedures for concluding the contract, and matters needing attention, as well as how to check and download the electronic contract; the employer must not charge any fee from employees.

For more information please call us: 8621 - 5178 5021

Many of our foreign friends have asked the J&K team how to enter China now, at present entry is essentially only possible in the following ways:

# 01

[Business visa]: Chinese vaccine + invitation letter from domestic unit (some embassies still require PU, must confirm with embassy or consulate before applying)

# 02

[Business visa]: APEC card + Chinese vaccine + letter of invitation from domestic unit

# 03

[Work visa]: Chinese Vaccine + Work Permit Notification

# 04

[Business / Work visa]: PU Invitation Letter + letter of invitation from domestic unit / Work Permit Notification

Note:If it is the United States / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / Japan and other countries where the Chinese vaccine has not yet been introduced, people can only enter through the PU invitation letter plus the the business or work visa. But the PU invitation letter is difficult to handle, and many cities are also suspending the approval, so it is recommended that you can first wait. If the reunion visa application is loosened, the direct application for reunion visa is the most convenient.

# 05

[Residence permit]: Foreigners with valid Chinese residence permits for work, private affairs and reunion will be allowed to enter China without applying for a new visa. And holders of work permits that expire on March 28, 02020 can re-apply for work (Z-word) visas without an PU invittion letter.


# 06

[Humanitarian visa]: For immediate family members in China who are critically ill or in mourning

So you may wish to check with the J & K team to see which situation you correspond with and what methods you can use to enter China, and then just consult the J & K team.

J & K Hotline: 8621- 51785021