As time goes by and vaccination rates in various countries continue to rise, the Exit-entry policies of many countries/regions were updated again in October, so let's see what's new!

North America ▍北美洲

United States

美国On the evening of October 8, local time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the United States will accept international visitors to receive the COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO) prior to entry into the country. CoronaVac and Sinopharm are included.

当地时间10月8日晚,美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)宣布,美国将接受国际游客在入境前接种经美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)或世界卫生组织(WHO)授权的新冠疫苗。科兴和国药也包含在内。The White House previously announced that starting in November, travelers who have received two doses of the approved vaccine and have proof of a negative test for the COVID-19 within three days before boarding will be able to enter the United States without being quarantined.

美国白宫此前宣布从11月起,已接种认可的两剂疫苗且持有登机前三天内新冠阴性检测证明的旅客将可入境美国,无需接受隔离。The policy applies to vaccinated people in most countries such as China, Brazil, India, the UK and many countries in the EU, with the US currently announcing a list of 33 countries, including 26 Schengen countries.政策适用于大部分国家如中国、巴西、印度、英国与欧盟多国的已接种疫苗者,美国目前宣布的名单上有33个国家,其中包括26个申根国。


加拿大Effective September 7, Canada liberalized entry for all international travellers who have been fully vaccinated with Canadian-approved vaccines for 14 days. Canada's currently approved vaccines for the COVID-19 include those developed by Pfizer, Modena, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. Canada has not yet reopened entry for foreign travellers who have received other vaccines and do not qualify for exemptions.

9月7日起,加拿大对已完全接种加方认可疫苗且满14天的所有国际旅客放开入境。加拿大目前认可的新冠疫苗包括辉瑞、莫德纳、阿斯利康和强生公司研制的疫苗。对于接种其他疫苗且不具备豁免条件的外国旅客,加官方尚未恢复开放入境。It is important to note that all travellers must submit personal information using the government's ArriveCAN prior to boarding the aircraft to enter Canada. For testing, all travellers, regardless of vaccination status, will still be required to provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours.要注意的是,所有旅客必须在登机入境加拿大前,使用政府的ArriveCAN,提交个人信息。检测方面,所有旅客,无论疫苗接种状态如何,都仍需提供72小时内核酸检测阴性证明。

Europe ▍欧洲


英国The UK traffic light system was abolished from 4am on 4 October, leaving only the red list, and the current red list of countries was reduced to seven (Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Peru, Venezuela).

10月4日凌晨4点起英国交通信号灯系统废除,只留红色名单,当前红色名单国家缩减至7个(哥伦比亚、多明尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、海地、巴拿马、秘鲁、委内瑞拉)。Persons entering from red list countries and territories are required to be quarantined in designated hotels for 10 days and tested for nucleic acid; travel rules for countries and territories not on the red list will depend on vaccination status.

从红色名单国家与地区入境人员须在指定酒店隔离10天并进行核酸检测;不在红色名单上的国家和地区出发的旅行规则将取决于疫苗接种情况。Only the following four vaccines are currently recognised in the UK: Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Modena and Johnson & Johnson. Vaccination with non-UK recognised vaccines falls into the incomplete vaccination category. Chinese vaccines are not recognised in the UK at this time and require a 10-day home quarantine upon arrival.

英国目前仅认可以下四种疫苗:牛津/阿斯利康、辉瑞、莫德纳、强生,接种非英国认可疫苗,属于未完全接种疫苗类别。中国疫苗暂未被英国认可,抵达后需10天居家隔离Fully vaccinated persons entering the UK do not need to be quarantined:

完全接种疫苗人士入境英国无需隔离:1. book and pay for day 2 of COVID-19 test before travelling to England - test on arrival in England

1.前往英格兰前预订并支付第2天的COVID-19测试-在抵达英格兰后进行测试2. Complete the Passenger Locator Form - within 48 hours of arrival in the UK 


( electronic or paper documentation proving that you have been fully vaccinated (at least 14 days) with proof of.

3.电子版或纸质版文件证明您已完全接种疫苗(至少14天),证明上需有:◆First and last name

◆名字和姓氏◆date of birth

◆出生日期◆Vaccine brands and manufacturers

◆疫苗品牌和制造商◆Date of each dose of vaccination

◆每剂疫苗接种日期◆Country or region of vaccination and/or certificate issuer

◆疫苗接种和/或证书颁发者的国家或地区Entry to the UK by persons not fully vaccinated:

未完全接种疫苗人士入境英国:1. pre-departure COVID-19 test (taken within 3 days prior to travel to the UK)1.出发前COVID-19测试(前往英国之前的3天内进行)

2. book and pay for COVID-19 tests on days 2 and 8 before departure - on arrival in England

2.出发前预订并支付第2天和第8天的COVID-19测试-在抵达英格兰后进行3. Complete the Passenger Locator Form - within 48 hours of arrival in the UK

3.填写旅客定位表—在抵达英国前48小时内完成4. 10 days of quarantine at home or at your place of residence upon arrival in the UK4.抵达英国后,在家或在您居住的地方隔离 10 天Only British or Irish nationals can enter the UK if they have visited a country or territory on the red list within the last 10 days.如果在过去10天内去过红色名单上的国家或地区,则只有英国或爱尔兰国民才能进入英国。


爱尔兰Since 13 September, the Irish Embassy in China has been processing all visa categories for Ireland. From 22 October, Irish people will no longer be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter pubs and restaurants, and restrictions on the number of people attending indoor and outdoor events will be phased out.

自9月13日起,爱尔兰驻华大使馆开始处理爱尔兰的所有签证类别。从10月22日起,爱尔兰民众进入酒吧和餐厅将无须再出示新冠疫苗接种证明,参加室内与户外活动的人数限制也将逐步取消。All passengers arriving in Ireland must continue to comply strictly with the measures required by law, including presenting proof of vaccination, proof of Covid-19 recovery or proof of a negative PCR nucleic acid test to Exit-entry control at the port of entry.

所有抵达爱尔兰的旅客必须继续严格遵守法律规定的各项措施,包括向入境口岸的移民管控部门出示疫苗接种证明、Covid-19康复证明或PCR核酸检测阴性证明。New rules for entry into Ireland:

入境爱尔兰新规:1. All passengers arriving in Ireland must complete a COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form.

1.所有抵达爱尔兰的乘客必须填写COVID-19乘客定位表。2. Provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test (RT-PCR) performed within 72 hours prior to arrival in Ireland and retain the test results for 14 days after arrival, which will need to be presented to the appropriate person for verification.

2.提供抵达爱尔兰前72小时内进行的核酸检测阴性证明(RT-PCR),并在抵达后保留该检测结果14天,且需要出示给相关人员检查核对。3. Have been fully vaccinated with the required vaccines.

3.已经完全接种符合要求的疫苗。Visitors who meet the three requirements above are exempt from quarantine. Previously infected visitors who provide proof of recovery are also exempt from the mandatory hotel quarantine. Visitors who have not received the required vaccinations are required to remain in home quarantine for 14 days, which can be terminated if the nucleic acid test is still negative on the fifth day of quarantine.满足以上三条要求的游客可免除隔离。另外曾经感染过的游客提供已经康复的证明则也可以免除强制酒店隔离。没有接种过符合规定的疫苗的旅客需居家隔离14天,如在隔离第5天时检测核酸依然阴性则可结束隔离。


法国The French Prime Minister recently issued an executive order "relaxing" the conditions under which certificates of vaccination for COVID-19 can be obtained in France.

法国总理近日发布行政令,“放宽”了可在法国获得新冠疫苗接种证明的条件。The COVID-19 vaccine, developed by China National, Kexing and the Serum Institute of India, has been approved for inclusion in the WHO emergency list but has not yet been approved by the European Medicines Agency and officially marketed in the European Union, and people who receive these vaccines cannot obtain a "health pass" under previous French vaccination regulations.

目前包括中国国药、科兴和印度血清研究所在内研发的新冠疫苗,虽已获批进入世卫组织紧急使用清单,但尚未通过欧洲药品管理局审批并在欧盟正式上市,按照法国之前的防疫条例,接种这些疫苗的人无法获得“健康通行证”。Nowadays, both employees and visitors to France can obtain a "health pass" by completing a WHO-approved vaccination and then receiving a supplementary dose of an EU-approved vaccine such as Pfizer, Modena or AstraZeneca in France.如今,无论来法国工作的职员还是游客,只要完成接种世卫组织认可的疫苗,再在法国本土补打一剂辉瑞、莫德纳或阿斯利康等欧盟批准上市的疫苗就可以获得“健康通行证”。

Oceania ▍大洋洲


澳大利亚A few days ago, Morrison officially announced that the country will be reopened in November as soon as the COVID-19 vaccination rate reaches 80%! Those who have received the TGA-recognized vaccine will be allowed to enter the country and be quarantined at home for 7 days. The Chinese CoronaVac and the Indian vaccine have been recognized by the TGA as safe and effective and are allowed to be used for international travel after being unsealed at the national border.

日前,莫里森官宣:只要新冠疫苗接种率达到80%,11月就将重开国境!已接种TGA认可疫苗者入境,可居家隔离7天。中国科兴疫苗、印度疫苗已被TGA承认了安全有效性,被允许在国境解封后用于国际旅行。The entry quarantine policy will be linked to vaccination status:

入境隔离政策将和疫苗接种情况挂钩:-Citizens and PRs who are fully vaccinated will be allowed home quarantine for 7 days.

-完全接种疫苗的公民和PR将被允许居家隔离7天;-Australians who have not been fully vaccinated will still be required to undergo a 14-day hotel quarantine.-未完全接种疫苗的澳洲人将仍被要求接受14天酒店隔离。On the question of the order of entry after the opening of the country's gates, Morrison said:

关于国门开放后入境者的次序问题,莫里森表示:The first step would be to allow fully vaccinated Australians to travel overseas and to allow vaccinated Australians stranded overseas to return home.

第一步将是允许完全接种疫苗的澳人到海外旅行,并允许滞留海外的接种了疫苗的澳人回国;The second priority will focus on the introduction of skilled migrants and international students who have received two doses of vaccine.

第二步优先的重点将是引进技术移民和接种了两剂疫苗的国际学生;Lastly, it is the entry of international visitors, such as tourists and other categories of people.最后,才是国际游客的入境,例如旅客等类别的人群。

Asia ▍亚洲


新加坡On October 9, local time, Singapore announced that it would relax the blockade restrictions on the COVID-19 and that travelers from nine countries - South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Canada - who have been vaccinated will be allowed to enter Singapore without quarantine.

当地时间10月9日,新加坡宣布将放宽对新冠病毒的封锁限制,韩国、美国、英国、丹麦、法国、荷兰、意大利、西班牙、加拿大9国已接种疫苗的旅客可免隔离入境新加坡。It is learnt that from 19 October, travellers who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine can travel between Singapore and participating countries on an exclusive Vaccinator Travel Gateway flight and are exempt from quarantine upon entry. The programme will also be extended to South Korea from 15 November.

据悉,从10月19日起,已接种两剂新冠疫苗的旅客,可搭乘专属的疫苗接种者旅游通道航班往返新加坡和参与计划的国家,而且入境后豁免隔离。同时该计划将从11月15日起扩展到韩国。This comes after Singapore implemented a Vaccination Travel Track (VTL) for travellers from Germany and Brunei in September.此前,新加坡9月已为来自德国和文莱的旅行者实施疫苗接种旅行通道(VTL)。


日本Starting from 1 October, the 14-day quarantine period will be shortened to 10 days for those who have received two doses of vaccine and have the relevant vaccination certificate (vaccination passport), and they can move freely after 10 days upon submission of a negative nucleic acid test certificate.

从10月1日开始,针对已接种两针疫苗,并持有相关接种证明(疫苗护照)的人士,将14日的隔离时间缩短为10日,于10日后递交阴性核酸检测证明即可自由行动。In addition, except for some countries with particularly severe epidemics, such as South America, for some regions where Delta virus is prevalent, people who have completed two doses of vaccination can be exempted from the original requirement of mandatory 3-day quarantine at designated places and can arrange for a 14-day quarantine trip at a designated quarantine hotel of their choice.另外,除了南美等部分疫情特别严重的国家外,针对个别德尔塔病毒多发的地区,开放已完成接种两针疫苗的人士,可免除原本规定的强制3日指定地点隔离,可于指定的隔离酒店名单中自行选择隔离酒店安排14天的隔离行程。


泰国Latest news from the Royal Thai Embassy and Consulates in China:

泰王国驻华使领馆最新发布消息:From 1 October 2021, citizens holding a passport from the People's Republic of China may apply for a tourist visa on arrival (Visa on Arrival) to enter Thailand for up to 15 days upon arrival in Thailand until further notice.

自2021年10月1日起,持有中华人民共和国护照的公民抵达泰国时可申请15日以内旅游落地签证(Visa on Arrival)进入泰国,直至另行通知。Please note that all travellers are still required to present an approved entry permit (COE) to the relevant officer at the Exit-entry checkpoint. Please refer to  for details of the COE application.

请注意,所有旅客仍需在出入境检查站向相关人员出示批准的入境许可证(COE)。关于COE的申请详情,请参考。The COE approval time is approximately 6 working days. Please use this to plan your application.

COE审批时长大约为6个工作日。请各位旅客以此安排您的申请计划。"Entry requirements for Visa on Arrival (VOA) for Phuket Sandbox Scheme travellers:“普吉沙盒计划”旅客申请落地签证(VOA)的入境要求:1. Please ensure that before you fly to Thailand:

1.请确保您在飞往泰国前:An entry permit (COE) has been granted (must be a hard copy).

已经获批入境许可证(COE)(须为打印版)。You can apply for your entry permit (COE) by following the link below and selecting the Visa Exempt category 11您可以通过以下链接申请您入境许可证 (COE),同时选择第11类“豁免签证“类型(Visa Exempt)

https://coethailand.mfa.go.th2. Download the mobile app on arrival

2.在抵达时下载手机应用程序3. Prepare all documents required for health quarantine at the Phuket International Airport port

3.准备好在普吉岛国际机场口岸卫生检疫所需的全部文件资料4. When applying for a visa on arrival, you will need:

4.在申请落地签证时,您需要:-Fill in the visa-on-arrival application form

-填写落地签证申请表-Make sure your passport is valid for at least 30 days

-确保您的护照有效期不少于30天-Return tickets purchased

-已购买回程机票-Have a certificate (SHABAConfirmation) from a Thai government designated quarantine isolation hotel (SHA Plus) and covering your travel for at least 7 days.

-拥有泰国政府指定检疫隔离酒店(SHA Plus)出示的证明(SHABAConfirmation)并涵盖您至少7天的旅行。-Bring 2 standard passport size bareheaded photos

-携带2张标准护照尺寸的免冠照片-Bring not less than 10,000 (20,000 for a family unit) baht in cash or foreign currency equivalent

-携带不少于1万(以家庭为单位则不少于2万)泰铢现金或等值外币-Payment of visa application fee 2000 baht

-缴纳签证申请费2000泰铢Please note that the visa on arrival (VOA) is only valid for 15 days and cannot be extended.

请注意,落地签证(VOA)的有效期只有15天且无法延期5. Go to the Exit-entry office for the relevant procedures

5.前往移民局办理相关手续6. Proceed to the baggage hall to collect your luggage

6.前往行李大厅提取您的行李7. Access to customs

7.前往海关8. Go to the COVID-19 testing site outside the airport terminal for mandatory RT-PCR nucleic acid testing

8.前往机场航站楼外的新冠病毒检测点,接受强制的RT-PCR核酸检测9. Take pre-booked SHA Plus transportation directly to your SHA Plus hotel (no stopovers)

9.乘坐提前预订的SHA Plus交通工具直达您的SHA Plus酒店(中途无停靠)10. Stay at your SHA Plus hotel

10.入住您的SHA Plus酒店-Please wait for your negative RT-PCR test results in your hotel room before starting your trip to Phuket

-在开始您在普吉岛的旅行前,请在酒店房间等待您的RT-PCR检测阴性结果Thailand's latest vaccination quarantine measure: As of 1 October 2021, the quarantine period can be shortened to 7 days if the traveler has completed a complete vaccination against the COVID-19 (list of vaccines certified by the Thai Ministry of Public Health: Coxin, GuoPharma, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Modena, Satellite V). Upon arrival in Thailand, eligible travellers must provide proof of vaccination to the relevant staff that the complete vaccination has been completed more than 14 days prior to the departure date.

泰国最新防疫隔离措施:自2021年10月1日起,若旅客已完成完整的新冠疫苗接种(泰国公共卫生部认证的疫苗清单:科兴、国药、阿斯利康、辉瑞、强生、莫德纳、卫星V),则隔离期可缩短至7天。符合条件的旅客在抵达泰国后,必须向相关工作人员提供已在出发日期14天以上完成完整疫苗接种的疫苗证明。Proof of vaccination for COE application: must be in English and the final decision on the length of quarantine will be made by the local Thai Ministry of Health officials after entry.


Note: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the Exit-entry policy may change in real time, the above is for reference only, please refer to the real time information.注:因疫情影响,出入境政策可能实时变更,以上内容仅供参考,请以实时信息为准。


USA: Vaccinations Required for Green Card Applications

According to the latest requirements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of October 1, 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine will be required for immigration medical reports (I-693) submitted for adjustment of status (I-485).

This means that as of Oct. 1, both applicants making a change of status outside the U.S. and immigrant applicants adjusting their status in the U.S. must be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.


Canada: Travel Visa Approval Speeded up

Canada plans to liberalize entry for all international travellers who have been fully vaccinated with a Canadian-approved vaccine for 14 days as of Sept. 7. COVID-19 vaccines currently approved in Canada include those developed by Pfizer, Modena, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

For foreign travellers who have received other vaccinations and do not qualify for exemptions, Canada has not yet officially reopened entry. To coincide with the reopening, Immigration Canada is also speeding up visa approvals. Currently, Immigration has updated the approval time for visitor visas for applications submitted from China - 278 days. This is a qualitative leap from the previous wait time of 418 days.


7 Countries Added to UK Travel "Green List"

At 4am on 30 August, the UK's updated entry rules came into force and the traffic light system list was updated once again! Seven more countries have been added to the international travel "Green List", and travellers entering the UK from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, the Azores, Liechtenstein and Lithuania will not be required to self-separate.

In addition, the Embassy in the UK has recently updated the latest regulations on nucleic acid testing on return to China, implementing a system of additional nucleic acid testing and self-health monitoring 7 days before boarding for people departing from the UK for China from 2 September 2021.


Australia's National Border Expected to Open in November

Australian Prime Minister Morrison has repeatedly confirmed in recent times that Australians will be able to travel overseas once the two-dose vaccination rate for those aged 16 and over reaches 80 per cent. Officials, averaging state data, believe that Australia will achieve 70 per cent vaccination on October 30 and 80 per cent on November 16. Even at the latest, Australia will be fully 80 per cent vaccinated on December 8.


EU Removes US from "Safe List" of Travelers' Origins

The EU Council decided on 30 August to remove the United States from its "Safe List" of places of origin for travellers, following an assessment of the seriousness of the recent rebound of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The European Union regularly conducts scientific assessments of COVID-19 from its source of destination, on the basis of these assessments, updates the "Safe List" of entry restrictions and provides recommendations for guidelines on entry protection against epidemics. The recommendations are applicable to the EU-27, as well as to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, but are not mandatory.

In accordance with the EU Council recommendation, stricter anti-epidemic restrictions should be applied to non-essential travellers from countries and territories outside the "Safe List", while anti-epidemic restrictions should be gradually lifted for non-essential travellers from countries and territories on the "Safe List". They should be gradually lifted.


Greece Requires Nucleic Acid Testing to Enter the Country

Permanent residents of the EU and the Schengen area, as well as citizens of 30 countries (including China) are allowed to enter Greece and need to complete the COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 days before travelling to Greece.

And holds a certificate of vaccination in Greek, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Russian issued by a public health authority; or holds a certificate of negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours or a negative rapid test report within 48 hours; or holds a certificate of recovery from a COVID-19 infection issued by a public health authority and dated within 2-9 months; or holds a digital or paper form of "Green Digital Pass".


Turkey Requires Proof of Vaccination or Nucleic Acid Testing

The suspension of incoming flights from Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and incoming passengers from the above mentioned countries who are in transit or have travelled to the above mentioned countries within 14 days will be required to provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours prior to boarding and will be subject to 14 days of intensive quarantine upon arrival. Passengers arriving from Afghanistan and Pakistan or who have travelled to the above-mentioned countries within 14 days will be subject to mandatory quarantine for 10 days after entry. Passengers arriving from the United Kingdom, Iran, Egypt and Singapore are required to provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours prior to boarding.

Visitors from countries other than those mentioned above must provide only a certificate of vaccination issued 14 days prior to arrival in the country, or an official certificate of recovery issued 28 days after the first positive test and within six months prior to arrival in the country. Visitors to the country who are unable to provide the above-mentioned certificates must provide proof of a negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours prior to entry or a negative antibody test within 48 hours prior to entry.


Tourists Who Have Completed Vaccination and Recovered in Israel are Exempt from Quarantine

According to Israeli media reports, as of October 1, all travelers who have completed a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine outside the country, as well as travelers who are less than five months after completing two doses of the vaccine or less than six months after recovering from COVID-19, will be exempt from quarantine upon entry into Israel.

According to the Ministry of Health, as of 29 June, some 5.95 million of the country's 9.3 million people had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, some 5.47 million had completed two doses, and some 1.96 million had completed a third.

In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Health announced on the 29th that the lower age limit for the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was lowered from 30 years to 12 years. At the same time, as of that evening, all persons in the country who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for more than five months will be able to receive a third booster dose. According to Ministry of Health data, the third dose of the vaccine is 10 times more effective in preventing severe neocon disease than two doses of the vaccine.

Shanghai became the first city in China to launch a policy that simplifies currency exchange services for foreigners.

Foreigners who work in companies registered in Shanghai will no longer need to bring documents such as employment contracts, proof of income and tax completion certificates when they want to exchange their money in Chinese yuan to foreign currencies.

For the service, all they need is a fast pass, which they can apply for at the district's foreigner work permit office by filling out a Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange, which includes personal, employment and tax information.

With the fast pass, foreigners can purchase foreign exchange at all banks in Shanghai without further verification for an unlimited number of times as long as the total purchases don't exceed their legal income.

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange's Shanghai branch said the policy has been gradually rolled out across the city, and it will direct banks to develop related e-banking functions.

If you need assistance in applying for <Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange>

Please contact us: 021-51785021

China has launched its own digital payment method, the Central Bank e-CNY Digital Currency and is rolling it out in shops around the country. Different from WeChat Pay and Alipay that are run by private corporations, the e-CNY is issued by the Chinese government through the People's Bank of China.

e-CNY run by the government will roll out fast, and most likely take over the dominant position currently held by Tencent and Alibaba's payment systems.

And the good news: Foreigners can already use it, with just a few limitations. And for any foreigner who's ever struggled with things like real name verification on WeChat and Alipay, there is good news. In our first tests, absolutely no name verification was required. Amen! In fact, we set up the app without providing a real name, just a phone number, and it worked fine.

Here's How You Set It Up

Currently you can't find the app on the app stores directly but have to redeem a special code that you use to get access in APP stores, presumably to limit the numbers of people that start using the currency in the early stages.

You get the QR code directly from one of the 6 partner banks: ICBC, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank.

We have listed the codes for ICBC and Bank of China below, for any of the other bank just visit any branch and ask for their code.

Scanning the code with WeChat brings you to a welcome page. Click on the button with your respective phone type, then you'll be led to a page where you have to enter your name, passport number and phone number.

On the ICBC app version that we tried we would get an error message if we entered our passport number, but it worked perfectly find with just leaving the passport number empty.
Receive an SMS and enter the code. Make sure your location settings on your phone are turned on, or you will get an error message.

Agree to the terms, click the red confirmation button and you'll get a code.

Copy the code, open the Apple App store, click on your profile picture and go to "Redeem Gift Card or Code". This will now bring you to a page where you can download the app.

The e-CNY app is currently only available on the Chinese App store, so you can only do this if - and that's the main limitation we mentioned at the beginning - your app store location is set to China. If your app store is set to another country, it's easy to switch. There are tons of tutorials out there about how to do that.

Congratulations, you now have China's newest payment app on your phone. 

It's a clean, simple user interface with a well-known face looking at us.

Top Up Your Wallet
As a Chinese citizen with an ID Card number, or a foreigner with a Green Card, you can directly connect the app to your bank account, just like you do with WeChat Pay and Alipay. Then, any payment will automatically be deducted from your bank account.

As a foreigner without a Chinese ID Card number you can still use the app, but have to top up your wallet, and are then limited to whatever amount you have in your wallet. To top up your wallet just press the other button that says "充钱包 (Top Up)", then select "选择银行 (Select Bank)".

However, this will only work if you are using the online banking version of these banks, and if you have their app installed. Select your bank, it will open your bank app. Type your password, select the amount, and that's it.

How to Pay With the App

We couldn't find any official stats, but judging from looking around WeChat Moments the system is rolling out quickly in at least Shanghai and Beijing. We walked into the Family Mart next to our office and they already have e-CNY installed at their self-service terminals. You can recognize it by the stickers.

Just to repeat this, because it sounds so surreal from western point of view: We paid with a government run e-currency at a self-service checkout at a 24-hour Family Mart in Shanghai.
One sentence that says how far ahead China is when it comes to rolling out new technologies.

At the checkout counter you simply hold the QR code on the app against the scanner.

Our Tips

You do not really need e-CNY right now. If you don't have any trouble with your WeChat or Alipay, there's hardly any reason to switch right now. From what we saw today it looks like China's e-CNY doesn't charge a transaction fee, so you might save a few RMB over the course of a year. If you do have issues with getting online payments set up, then the e-CNY appears to be an easier option right now.

e-CNY app may only have Chinese version. Foreigners who are unable to read Chinese can seek assistance from Chinese friends or us.

We are very happy to provide you with consultation and service, please call us: 8621 - 5178 5021

​上海 Shanghai14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 DaysCommunity health monitoring

(At least 6 nucleic acid tests during the 21 days)

Inbound travelers who arrive in Shanghai with final destinations in Jiangsu, Zhejiang or Anhui provinces can be quarantined in the city for three days and then transferred to their destinations for another 11 days of  quarantine

On the fourth day of quarantine, specially-assigned persons from each province will pick up travelers in a special vehicle to prevent cross-infection of the coronavirus.

But if the person has tested positive for the virus, has suspected symptoms or has come into close contact with confirmed cases, they should be quarantined in Shanghai for treatment or further observation.

北京 Beijing14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

Inbound individuals through other domestic cities have to wait 21 days before entering the Chinese capital, and seven-day health monitoring is required after their entrance.

For those with an inbound period of less than 21 days but are already in Beijing, the "7+7" isolation and health monitoring have to be completed here, local authorities said.

During the seven-day health monitoring, people can follow their normal routines while avoiding gatherings. They are also advised to regularly report their health conditions to local communities.

广东 Guangdong14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

江苏 Jiangsu14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

14 Days: Community health monitoring

(3 nucleic acid tests on 3rd, 7th and 14th day during the community health monitoring)

浙江 Zhejiang14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

During the health monitoring period, the color of your Health Code will be YELLOW. You are allowed to go outside your apartment, but should avoid public transport and public indoor spaces, like mall, museum, cinema. You will take another nucliec acid test on the last day of health monitoring period, if it is negative, then you health code will be green.

山东 Shandong14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(1 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test upon arrival)(4 nucleic acid test during the centralized medical quarantine)7 Days: Community health monitoring

(1 nucleic acid test on the last day of community health monitoring)

四川 Sichuan14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

(2 nucleic acid tests during the community health monitoring)

辽宁 Liaoning14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
7 Days: Home isolation

(1 nucleic acid test on the last day during home isolation)
7 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(3 nucleic acid tests on 3rd, 7th and 14th day during the community health monitoring)

湖北 Hubei14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
14 Days: Home isolation

(2 nucleic acid test during home isolation)

陕西 Shannxi14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 DaysHome isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

福建 Fujian14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test on the 1st and last day during the centralized medical quarantine)7 Days: Home isolation

河南 Henan14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

天津 Tianjin14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

湖南 Hunan14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 DaysHome isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

重庆 Chongqing14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 DaysHome isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

安徽 Anhui14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 DaysHome isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

吉林 Jilin21+7

21 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(If you enter China from other cities, where you finish the 14 days centralized medical quarantine, you still need to take 7 days centralized medical quarantine in Jilin.)
7 Days: Home isolation

If you are from a county where is experiencing surging COVID-19 cases, then you will take 28 days centralized quarantine.

黑龙江 Heilongjiang14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
14 Days: Home isolation

(3 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the quarantine)

For more information, please contact us: 8621 - 5178 5021