
The average wage of Shanghai employees in 2021 was announced as RMB11396/month. Based on this calculation,  the authorized department has adjusted the upper and lower limits of the base payment of social security and housing fund on July 1st 2022.

社保 Social Security



下限调整为:  6520元/月。

The base payment of Social Security:

The upper limit: RMB34188/month;

The lower limit:    RMB6520/month.

积金 Housing Fund



下限调整为:  2590元/月。

The base payment of Housing Fund:

The upper limit: RMB34188/month;

The lower limit:    RMB2590/month.

平均工资 Average Wage


The "average wage of employees in the previous year" involved in the city's talents introduction policy shall be RMB10338/month.

最低工资 Minimum Wage




Minimum Wage Standard:

for month: RMB2590

for hour:        RMB23

For more information please contact us:021 - 5178 5021

Following China's latest announcement to reduce quarantine for inbound travelers, some Chinese Embassies and Consulates abroad exempted PU Invitation Letter for applications of China business (M) and visitor (F) visa.


China's quarantine requirement for international arrivals has been adjusted from previously "14 days of centralized quarantine plus 7 days of health monitoring at home" to "7 days of centralized quaratnine plus 3 days of health monitoring at home", according to the new policy issued by the government on 28 June.


In addition, J&K team learned that some Chinese Embassies and Consulates abroad recently exempted the PU Invitation Letter in business (M) visa and visitor (F) visa applications, etc. Countries in which the Chinese Embassies and Consulates annouced such notice include the UK, Singapore, France, Italy, Australia and New Zealand.  


For further enquiries, please contact your J&K consultant for more details, or email J&K team at info@jkinvest.net. We will support you with providing your immigration solutions. 

您可以联系您的君恺顾问以了解更多详情,或发送电子邮件至 info@jkinvest.net,我们将全力为您提供签证解决方案。


PU Invitation Letter Is No Longer Required for Work and Dependent Visa 申请来华工作及家属签证不再需要提供PU邀请函

PU invitation letter is no longer required for work and dependent visa applications.


Effective from 6 June, PU invitation letter issued by Foreign Affairs Office is no longer required for below foreign nationals applying China visa applications at Chinese consulates/embassies abroad: 


J&K has been in contact with various Chinese consulates and embassies abroad to clarify the detailed requirements following this update and in general, for work Z visa application, a valid pre-employment Notification Letter of Work Permit will be required. For dependent visa application, a valid kinship certificate such as marriage and birth certificate will be required. Consulates may exercise discretion to request for additional documents.

君恺已与各中国驻外使领馆联系,以明确本次更新后的详细要求。通常对于工作 Z 签证申请需要提供有效的工作许可通知书。对于家属签证申请,需要提供有效的亲属关系证明,例如结婚证和出生证。领事馆可酌情要求提供额外文件。

For detailed application requirements, please contact your J&K consultant for more details, or email us at info@jkinvest.net. We will support you with providing your immigration solutions. 

您可以联系您的君恺顾问以了解更多详情,或发送电子邮件至info @jkinvest.net我们将致力于为您提供解决方案。

The 'annual inspection' at Industrial & Commercial Bureau which all the companies shall be finished before the end of each Jun.

What is the annual inspection?

The 'annual inspection' is an annual report publicity system which is organized by the Industrial & Commercial Bureau. 

Through the Industrial and Commercial Annual Report, the public and business partners can understand the business situation of the company and protect the security of the transaction; and through the Industrial and Commercial Annual Report, the company can demonstrate the strength of the company and the image of honest business operation to the outside world, which is conducive to the long-term development of the company.

Annual Inspection Content

1 The capital contribution and assets of the company's shareholders

2 The company's contact information and address

3 The company's survival status

4 Changes in various types of enterprises, such as equity changes, purchase of equity information, etc.

5 Websites of the company and online shop information, etc.

6 The number of employees in the business, financial information, social security information and so on

How to carry out the Annual Inspection?

The process is a combination of online and offline work that your Chinese accountant should be able to help you handle:

The consequences if the annual inspection is overdue


If the enterprise fails to carry out the Industrial and Commercial Annual Report on time, it will be included in the list of business exceptions by the Industrial & Commercial Bureau; if the enterprise has not been removed within three years, it will be included in the list of serious illegal and untrustworthy companies;


After being listed on the list of serious unlawful defaults, companies will not be able to lend, invest, immigrate, participate in bidding, government procurement, etc., which will seriously affect personal development;


After being listed in the list of serious violation of trust, the corporate legal person, etc., will be restricted in registering new companies, operating, and qualifications for employment;


After being listed on the list of serious violation of trust, the credit will be questioned when the company cooperates with others, which will seriously affect the long-term development of the company.

Annual Individual Income Tax declaration started on March 1st.


Who ?

Resident individual whose

Tax withheld is more than tax payable in 2021 and the taxpayer would like to apply for the tax refund or 

Comprehensive income is more than RMB120,000 and the tax payable exceeds RMB400.

Resident individual refers to any individual who has a residence within the territory of China or who has no residence but has stayed within the territory of China for totally 183 days or longer in a single tax year.


When ?

From March 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2022.

If you want to handle the Individual Income Tax declaration between March 1st and March 15th, then you have to reserve first, the reservation is available from February 16th to March 15, 6am - 10pm.

You don't need to reserve after March 15.


Where ?


How to register ?

If you don't have Chinese green card, then please take your passport and visit tax bureau to get a registration code.


Tax-exempt allowances ?

If you have any queries please contact us:8621 - 5178 5021