All travelers to Shanghai from other provinces must receive a daily nucleic acid test for three days in a row, otherwise their health code will turn yellow. Travelers are also required to receive the first test within 24 hours upon arrival.

Answers to recent hot issues


How to fill in the information after coming to Shanghai and returning to Shanghai?

First, all personnel coming to and returning from Shanghai should fill in the relevant information accurately and in detail through the application for "Service for Returned Personnel from Shanghai" small program before arriving in Shanghai; When arriving in Shanghai, cooperate in the "landing inspection" according to relevant regulations; Nucleic acid test shall be carried out within 24 hours after arriving in Shanghai. If the nucleic acid test is not completed once within 48 hours after arriving in Shanghai, the applicant will be prompted to expand the code along with the application code.

Second, those who come to Shanghai and return to Shanghai from the epidemic-affected areas in China should report to the local village committee and unit (or the hotel where they live) as soon as possible and within 12 hours after they arrive in Shanghai, and do a good job with isolation observation, health monitoring, nucleic acid detection and other relevant health management measures.

Third, all personnel coming to and returning from Shanghai will carry out 7 days of independent health monitoring after arriving in Shanghai, during which they will take self temperature measurements twice a day in the morning and evening, reduce unnecessary crowd gathering activities, and wear masks when going out.

Finally, once a fever and other suspicious symptoms, please do a good job of personal protection to the nearest fever clinic, and take the initiative to inform the history of living in other provinces and cities.


What should I do when I receive a call from the epidemic prevention personnel?

In the face of the epidemic prevention personnel's telephone flow inquiry, should Seek truth from facts, fulfill the duty of epidemic prevention, truthfully inform the activity track and other information, we will protect your privacy. If you receive a mobile phone call from another province and tell you that it is a suspicious secret connection or a secondary secret connection, first of all, please don't be too nervous and report the relevant situation to your town, village committee, Unit (or hotel) as soon as possible, then do a strict personal protection, avoid mobility, keep a certain distance from others, keep mobile phones unblocked, actively cooperate with the prevention and control departments to do a good follow-up isolation control, nucleic acid testing and other prevention and control measures.

Shanghai Landing Inspection Guide

Before coming to Shanghai

Before you come to Shanghai, you can know the entry policy in advance, register “Suishenban” and fill in the trip information on the “Service for people coming to Shanghai and returning to Shanghai”, and do nucleic acid test in advance. At the entrance of the city with bid, wechat or Alipay sweep site code.

Airports, railways

In the plane, train arrived in Shanghai, the travellers in the station to scan the site code or through the digital sentinel verification information, display 48 hours of nucleic acid detection report;

If there are medium and high-risk areas, static management areas, and areas with focus on living history within 7 days, it is required to declare truthfully. Relevant departments have set up corresponding signboards at airports and railway stations.

A highway or crossing

Passengers who drive themselves or take buses to Shanghai are required to scan the location code at high-speed toll booth or provincial level crossings. Relevant departments post the location code at each lane for everyone to scan.
If your mobile phone can not display the health code normally, the field staff will guide the vehicles to the plaza outside the toll station or the road crossing on the ground and other areas that do not affect traffic flow for inspection.

Buses will also be arranged to the side one by one inspection.


The red code personnel found in the inspection, who voluntarily declare that there are high school risk areas, areas where static management measures are implemented, and some areas of key concern [(counties where high school risk areas are located (cities, districts, banners, street towns, etc.) and areas where static management measures are implemented (cities, districts, banners, street towns, etc.)] living history within 7 days, shall be subject to closed-loop disposal by the local prevention and control office.

① Personnel with yellow code, display code prompt and nucleic acid report found in airport and railway station inspection for more than 48 hours; ② Reminders of yellow code and expanded code found in highway crossing inspection; ③ As well as those who voluntarily declare that they have a history of living in other areas except for the above areas requiring closed-loop disposal measures within 7 days, they need to register information and take samples at the site or nearby sampling points;

Other personnel can also take samples on site voluntarily for normal traffic.

All people who come to Shanghai and return to Shanghai should take nucleic acid samples once within 24 hours after entering Shanghai. If they do not take samples for more than 48 hours, they will be prompted with the application code.

Hong Kong will scrap mandatory hotel quarantine for all visitors as of September 26, in a move designed to boost the financial hub’s revival.

Under the new scheme, detailed by Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee, inbound travellers will need to take a rapid test rather than a PCR test within 24 hours before boarding their flight.

Upon landing at Hong Kong airport they’ll take a PCR test under a ‘test-and-go’ practice which will not require them to wait at the airport – although it’s not yet clear exactly what specific quarantine measures will kick in should a positive result be returned.

The new ‘0+3’ scheme will see travellers face restrictions on their movements In their three days in Hong Kong, with the government’s Leave Home Safe app showing an amber code which will not permit them into bars or restaurants.

However, they will otherwise be free to move around the city, including visiting public areas such as shopping malls and taking public transport, where people are required to wear masks at almost all times.

A negative result from a PCR test taken on the third day will see the app change to a blue code which will lift those restrictions.

Visitors will also need to take a mandatory PCR test on days 4 and 6, and if they test positive will either be isolated at home, in hotels, or in community facilities, “depending on the situation.”

Hong Kong has been largely isolated since the outbreak of the Covid pandemic in February 2020 due to adopting some of the world’s strictest health measures, while it neighbours – especially regional rival Singapore – continue to power ahead after reopening.

The HKSAR government is positive about the direction of the epidemic.  The risk of overseas arrivals is no higher than or lower than the risk of local transmission.  The new measures will help to balance risks and economic dynamics, and maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness while controlling risk. 

China plans easier border entry rules for some foreign tourists. China’s government issued draft rules aimed at making it easier for some foreigners to enter China for visits to tourism sites along the Chinese border.China has shut its borders to foreign tourists since the outbreak of the new coronavirus in 2020, with only specific groups of foreign nationals allowed to enter the country, such as those holding certain work visas.In recent months, rules have gradually been relaxed, from resuming more direct flights between China and some countries to allowing foreign students with valid residence permits to enter China. Quarantine for foreign arrivals has also been reduced.

Travel groups organized by tour agencies in border areas in China can choose their port of entry and exit “flexibly”, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said in a statement on Monday, without giving specifics on locations and dates.

With the WHO's reassessment of the COVID-19 global pandemic and the recent efforts of the HKSAR government to resume customs clearance in 2023, entry restrictions will be gradually relaxed. Work visas are being gradually restored now, our customers have successfully obtained visa approval and are expected to come to China for employment and investment by the end of the year. We believe in the government's determination to prevent epidemics and revitalize the economy. Here, we suggest that the visa application for coming to China next year can be prepared as early as possible in the fourth quarter. If you need work permit and visa application services, please contact us.

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Today we will launch FAQ for foreigners work in Shanghai , introducing the key contents of Foreigner's Work Permit for scientific and technological talents to you. 

What are the convenient policies for foreign scientific and technological talents?

(1) Further relax the limits in terms of age, academic degree or work experience

(2) Implement a “Notice + Pledge” System for those with No Criminal Record

(3) Support Foreign High-end Talents in research teams to apply for Confirmation Letter for Foreign High-end Talents

How is the scope of application of the Confirmation Letter for Foreign High-end Talents expanded?

The Online Approval for Foreigner’s Work Permit in China (Version 4.0) further expands the scope of application of the Confirmation Letter for Foreign High-end Talents. Foreign researchers participating in national task forces and young foreign talents, including recent doctoral graduates from key disciplines such as science, engineering, agriculture and medicine, upon identification by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs), may directly apply for the Confirmation Letter for Foreign High-end Talents according to relevant regulations, and may apply for R visa with a validity period of up to 10 years. Their accompanying family members may apply for visas with the same validity period.

What are the standards for new application and extension of the Foreigner’s Work Permit by foreign innovative entrepreneurial talents?

To regulate innovative entrepreneurial talents in Shanghai, for foreign talents such as legal persons making investment or innovative entrepreneurship and small investors, after an enterprise is legally established, limits in terms of age, academic degree or work experience may be relaxed when they apply for their first work permit in China. For foreign investors who have a physical office, their work permits in China may be extended based on the operating status, taxes, social security payment and other required circumstances of their companies. Foreign investors with virtual registration shall submit all documents required, including but not limited to operating status, taxes, and social security payment for an extension which is necessary according to the circumstances.

What are foreign skilled talents?

1. Hold a general foreign vocational qualification. Foreign skilled talents who hold senior foreign vocational qualifications that are included into management under the national vocational qualification system may directly work in Shanghai. Such qualifications include commercial and retail management certificate and business administration certificate (excluding international language certificates). For more information about foreign vocational qualification certificate, please contact J&K.

2. Skilled talents urgently needed in Shanghai. Foreign skilled talents who have expertise and rich practical experience in production and service positions, and are in line with the urgently needed occupations for the development of key industries in Shanghai, after obtaining overseas skills certificates accredited and with recommendation from competent authorities of the industries, may apply for a work permit. For details about skilled talents urgently needed in Shanghai, please contact J&K. 

3. Hold other international vocational qualifications. With the shortage in the fields and the competence of the talents considered, Talents holding other unspecified international vocational qualifications (such as ACCA certificate in financial management, and international football coaching qualification), after their employers provide a description of their qualification, of their shortage, of the specialization demonstrated by the certificate, and of the talents’ work experience, may apply for a work permit.

China's latest pilot program to improve its business climate entails more measures to attract foreign investment and talent, including streamlining job certification, more efficient mechanisms to settle legal disputes and making it easier to enroll children in school.


The program, rolled out in a policy document issued by the State Council last month, outlined a host of measures to upgrade business-related administrative services in six cities-Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing, as well as Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, and Guangdong province's Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


The program marked the latest national efforts to tailor the country's business environment to international standards and will offer foreign citizens, especially entrepreneurs, a better business and living experience in China, said Ma Liang, a professor of public management at the Renmin University of China.


"It will provide foreign businesses and expats more convenient, efficient and tailored public services," he said.

他表示: “它将为外国企业和外籍人士提供更方便、高效和量身定制的公共服务。”

The six cities will offer diversified, efficient and convenient services to foreign businesses looking to settle disputes, including measures to develop centers that provide one-stop services.


Dispute resolution organizations and arbitration bodies will be encouraged to hire foreign mediators and arbitrators as part of the program.


The six cities will also explore ways to set standards for the certification of top-notch talent, especially those that are severely lacking nationwide. Local authorities will also pilot the establishment of a mechanism that allows expats to practice certain professions on the condition that they have already obtained the relevant qualifications or certificates overseas or from universally recognized international organizations.


The government will consider establishing an evaluation system for talent that is in line with international rules, the policy document said.


It added that the level of service from the international versions of government web portals will be upgraded to help expats better understand investment opportunities, employment and other policies.


Under the program, the government will widen market access for operators of schools for foreign children and allow domestic businesses and Chinese citizens to open schools for them.


Authorities will also increase administrative approval for procedures concerning expats as part of one-stop online services, the document said.


A level playing field is a key goal of the program, which pledged to offer the same treatment to businesses, whether they are domestic or foreign.


For example, Yang Jie, head of the Department of Laws and Regulations at the National Development and Reform Commission, told a news briefing last month that a more transparent, standardized and efficient mechanism for project bidding, which would require the release of bidding plans before projects can commence, will be developed to ensure that foreign and domestic businesses are treated equally.
